Gabriel B. Apolinário

Physics | Postdoc researcher | University of Bayreuth

The lognormal model and the linearization effect

The lognormal is the simplest model of the structure-function exponents in turbulence: It predicts quadratic exponents. However, a quadratic function is not a realistic model for turbulence. This post discusses how a minimum Holder exponent changes this picture, linearizes the lognormal model, and may resolve this contradiction.

High Dimensional Fractional Gaussian Fields

In this post we’ll look at the statistical properties of fractional Gaussian fields in arbitrary dimensions.

Time scales in the pseudospectral simulation of the heat equation

This is a discussion of a pseudospectral simulation of the stochastically forced heat equation and an analysis of the time scales needed for the results to converge.

Numerical Simulations of Fractional Gaussian Fields

I describe the basic properties of fractional Gaussian fields and show some numerical simulations.